Package 'xaringanthemer'

Title: Custom 'xaringan' CSS Themes
Description: Create beautifully color-coordinated and customized themes for your 'xaringan' slides, without writing any CSS. Complete your slide theme with 'ggplot2' themes that match the font and colors used in your slides. Customized styles can be created directly in your slides' 'R Markdown' source file or in a separate external script.
Authors: Garrick Aden-Buie [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Garrick Aden-Buie <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-18 05:04:37 UTC

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Add alpha to hex color


Applies alpha (or opacity) to a color in hexadecimal form by converting opacity in the ⁠[0, 1]⁠ range to hex in the ⁠[0, 255]⁠ range and appending to the hex color.


apply_alpha(color_hex, opacity = 0.5)



A character string representing a hex color


Desired opacity of the output color


A character string with added opacity level as hexadecimal characters.


blue <- "#0e6ba8"
blue_transparent <- apply_alpha(blue)

if (requireNamespace("scales", quietly = TRUE)) {
  scales::show_col(c(blue, blue_transparent))

Choose dark or light color


Takes a color input as x and returns either the black or white color (or expression) if dark or light text should be used over the input color for best contrast. Follows W3C Recommendations.


choose_dark_or_light(x, black = "#000000", white = "#FFFFFF")



The background color (hex)


Text or foreground color, e.g. "#222" or substitute(darken_color(x, 0.8)), if black text provides the best contrast.


Text or foreground color or expression, e.g. "#EEE" or substitute(lighten_color(x, 0.8)), if white text provides the best contrast.


The black color or white color according to which color provides the greates contrast with the input color.



light_green <- "#c4d6b0"
contrast_green <- choose_dark_or_light(light_green)
dark_purple <- "#381d2a"
contrast_purple <- choose_dark_or_light(dark_purple)

if (requireNamespace("scales", quietly = TRUE)) {
  scales::show_col(c(light_green, contrast_green, dark_purple, contrast_purple))

Specify Google Font


Builds Google Fonts URL from family name. Extra weights are given in the ... parameters. Languages can be specified in languages and must one or more of the language codes as given by google_language_codes().


google_font(family, ..., languages = NULL)



Font family


Font weights to include, example "400", "400i"


Font languages to include (dependent on the font.) See google_language_codes().


A "google_font" object.


google_font("Josefin Sans", "400", "400i", "600i", "700")
google_font("Josefin Sans", languages = c("latin-ext", "vietnamese"))

List Valid Google Language Codes


Gives a list of valid Language Codes for Google Fonts, or validates that the language codes given are valid.


  language_codes = c("latin", "latin-ext", "sinhala", "greek", "hebrew", "vietnamese",
    "cyrillic", "cyrillic-ext", "devanagari", "arabic", "khmer", "tamil", "greek-ext",
    "thai", "bengali", "gujarati", "oriya", "malayalam", "gurmukhi", "kannada", "telugu",



Vector of potential Google language codes


A vector of Google Font language codes matching language_codes.

See Also


Generate lighter or darker version of a color


Produces a linear blend of the color with white or black.


lighten_color(color_hex, strength = 0.7)

darken_color(color_hex, strength = 0.8)



A character string representing a hex color


The "strength" of the blend with white or black, where 0 is entirely the original color and 1 is entirely white (lighten_color()) or black (darken_color()).


A character string with the lightened or darkened color in hexadecimal format.


blue <- "#0e6ba8"
blue_light <- lighten_color(blue, strength = 0.33)
blue_dark <- darken_color(blue, strength = 0.33)

if (requireNamespace("scales", quietly = TRUE)) {
  scales::show_col(c(blue_light, blue, blue_dark))

Themed ggplot2 Scales



Color and fill single-color scales for discrete and continuous values, created using the primary accent color of the xaringanthemer styles. See vignette("ggplot2-themes") for more information and examples of xaringanthemer's ggplot2-related functions.


  aes_type = c("color", "colour", "fill"),
  color = NULL,
  direction = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

scale_xaringan_fill_discrete(..., color = NULL, direction = 1, inverse = FALSE)

  color = NULL,
  direction = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  color = NULL,
  direction = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  aes_type = c("color", "colour", "fill"),
  color = NULL,
  begin = 0,
  end = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  color = NULL,
  begin = 0,
  end = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  color = NULL,
  begin = 0,
  end = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  color = NULL,
  begin = 0,
  end = 1,
  inverse = FALSE



The type of aesthetic to which the scale is being applied. One of "color", "colour", or "fill".


Arguments passed on to either the colorspace scale functions — one of colorspace::scale_color_discrete_sequential(), colorspace::scale_color_continuous_sequential(), colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential(), or colorspace::scale_fill_continuous_sequential() — or to ggplot2::continuous_scale or ggplot2::discrete_scale.


A color value, in hex, to override the default color. Otherwise, the primary color of the resulting scale is chosen from the xaringanthemer slide styles.


Direction of the discrete scale. Use values less than 0 to reverse the direction, e.g. direction = -1.


If color is not supplied and inverse = TRUE, a primary color is chosen to work well with the inverse slide styles, namely the value of inverse_header_color


Number in the range of [0, 1] indicating to which point in the color scale the smallest data value should be mapped.


Number in the range of [0, 1] indicating to which point in the color scale the largest data value should be mapped.


# Requires ggplot2
has_ggplot2 <- requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)

if (has_ggplot2) {
  # Saving the theme to a temp file because this is an example
  path_to_css_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".css")

  # Create the xaringan theme: dark blue background with teal green accents
    primary_color = "#002b36",
    secondary_color = "#31b09e",
    # Using basic fonts for this example, but the plot theme will
    # automatically use your theme font if you use Google fonts
    text_font_family = "sans",
    header_font_family = "serif",
    outfile = path_to_css_file

  # Here's some very basic example data
  ex <- data.frame(
    name = c("Couple", "Few", "Lots", "Many"),
    n = c(2, 3, 5, 7)

  # Fill color scales demo
  ggplot(ex) +
    aes(name, n, fill = n) +
    geom_col() +
    ggtitle("Matching fill scales") +
    # themed to match the slides: dark blue background with teal text
    theme_xaringan() +
    # Fill color matches teal text

  # Color scales demo
  ggplot(ex) +
    aes(name, y = 1, color = name) +
    geom_point(size = 10) +
    ggtitle("Matching color scales") +
    # themed to match the slides: dark blue background with teal text
    theme_xaringan() +
    # Fill color matches teal text
    scale_xaringan_color_discrete(direction = -1)

Duotone Theme


A duotone theme designed to work well with two complementary colors.


  primary_color = "#1F4257",
  secondary_color = "#F97B64",
  text_color = choose_dark_or_light(primary_color, darken_color(primary_color, 0.9),
    lighten_color(secondary_color, 0.99)),
  header_color = secondary_color,
  background_color = primary_color,
  link_color = secondary_color,
  text_bold_color = secondary_color,
  text_slide_number_color = text_color,
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)",
  code_inline_color = secondary_color,
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = secondary_color,
  inverse_text_color = primary_color,
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = inverse_text_color,
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = secondary_color,
  title_slide_background_color = primary_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = apply_alpha(secondary_color, 0.6),
  left_column_selected_color = secondary_color,
  blockquote_left_border_color = apply_alpha(secondary_color, 0.5),
  table_border_color = "#666",
  table_row_border_color = "#ddd",
  table_row_even_background_color = lighten_color(primary_color, 0.9),
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



Duotone Primary Color. Defaults to #1F4257. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--primary) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Duotone Secondary Color. Defaults to #F97B64. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--secondary) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(primary_color, darken_color(primary_color, 0.9), lighten_color(secondary_color, 0.99)). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to secondary_color. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to secondary_color. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to secondary_color. Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to text_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to rgba(255,255,0,0.5). Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to secondary_color. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to secondary_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to secondary_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to apply_alpha(secondary_color, 0.6). Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to secondary_color. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to apply_alpha(secondary_color, 0.5). Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #666. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #ddd. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to lighten_color(primary_color, 0.9). Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css

See Also

Other themes: style_duo_accent(), style_duo_accent_inverse(), style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light(), style_solarized_dark(), style_solarized_light(), xaringanthemer_font_default()

Other Duotone themes: style_duo_accent(), style_duo_accent_inverse()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  primary_color = "#1f4257",
  secondary_color = "#f97b64",
  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)

Duotone Accent Theme


An default xaringan theme with a two colors used for color accents on select elements (headers, bold text, etc.).


  primary_color = "#035AA6",
  secondary_color = "#03A696",
  white_color = "#FFFFFF",
  black_color = "#000000",
  text_color = black_color,
  header_color = primary_color,
  background_color = white_color,
  link_color = choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, primary_color, secondary_color),
  text_bold_color = choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, primary_color, secondary_color),
  text_slide_number_color = primary_color,
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)",
  code_inline_color = choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, primary_color,
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = secondary_color,
  inverse_text_color = choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, black_color, white_color),
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = inverse_text_color,
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = choose_dark_or_light(primary_color, black_color, white_color),
  title_slide_background_color = primary_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = apply_alpha(primary_color, 0.6),
  left_column_selected_color = primary_color,
  blockquote_left_border_color = apply_alpha(secondary_color, 0.5),
  table_border_color = "#666",
  table_row_border_color = "#ddd",
  table_row_even_background_color = lighten_color(secondary_color, 0.8),
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



Duotone Primary Color. Defaults to #035AA6. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--primary) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Duotone Secondary Color. Defaults to #03A696. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--secondary) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Brightest color used. Defaults to #FFFFFF. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--white) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Darkest color used. Defaults to #000000. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--black) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color. Defaults to black_color. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to white_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, primary_color, secondary_color). Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, primary_color, secondary_color). Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to rgba(255,255,0,0.5). Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, primary_color, secondary_color). Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to secondary_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, black_color, white_color). Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(primary_color, black_color, white_color). Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to apply_alpha(primary_color, 0.6). Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to apply_alpha(secondary_color, 0.5). Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #666. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #ddd. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to lighten_color(secondary_color, 0.8). Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css

See Also

Other themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent_inverse(), style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light(), style_solarized_dark(), style_solarized_light(), xaringanthemer_font_default()

Other Duotone themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent_inverse()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  primary_color = "#006747",
  secondary_color = "#cfc493",
  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)

Duotone Accent Inverse Theme


An "inverted" default xaringan theme with a two colors used for color accents on select elements (headers, bold text, etc.).


  primary_color = "#035AA6",
  secondary_color = "#03A696",
  white_color = "#FFFFFF",
  black_color = "#000000",
  text_color = white_color,
  header_color = primary_color,
  background_color = black_color,
  link_color = choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, secondary_color, primary_color),
  text_bold_color = choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, secondary_color, primary_color),
  text_slide_number_color = primary_color,
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)",
  code_inline_color = choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, secondary_color,
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = secondary_color,
  inverse_text_color = choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, black_color, white_color),
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = inverse_text_color,
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = choose_dark_or_light(primary_color, black_color, white_color),
  title_slide_background_color = primary_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = apply_alpha(primary_color, 0.6),
  left_column_selected_color = primary_color,
  blockquote_left_border_color = apply_alpha(secondary_color, 0.5),
  table_border_color = "#666",
  table_row_border_color = "#ddd",
  table_row_even_background_color = darken_color(choose_dark_or_light(primary_color,
    secondary_color, primary_color), 0.2),
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



Duotone Primary Color. Defaults to #035AA6. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--primary) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Duotone Secondary Color. Defaults to #03A696. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--secondary) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Brightest color used. Defaults to #FFFFFF. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--white) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Darkest color used. Defaults to #000000. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--black) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color. Defaults to white_color. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to black_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, secondary_color, primary_color). Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, secondary_color, primary_color). Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to rgba(255,255,0,0.5). Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, secondary_color, primary_color). Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to secondary_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(secondary_color, black_color, white_color). Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to choose_dark_or_light(primary_color, black_color, white_color). Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to apply_alpha(primary_color, 0.6). Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to primary_color. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to apply_alpha(secondary_color, 0.5). Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #666. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #ddd. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to darken_color(choose_dark_or_light(primary_color, secondary_color, primary_color), 0.2). Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css

See Also

Other themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent(), style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light(), style_solarized_dark(), style_solarized_light(), xaringanthemer_font_default()

Other Duotone themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  primary_color = "#006747",
  secondary_color = "#cfc493",
  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)

Add Extra CSS Styles


Adds css elements to target outfile, typically a xaringanthemer css file. The css argument takes a list of CSS classes and definitions (see examples below) and appends CSS rules to outfile.


  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css",
  append = TRUE,
  heading = "Extra CSS"



A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value"))


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


If TRUE output will be appended to outfile; otherwise, it will overwrite the contents of outfile.


Heading added above extra CSS. Use NULL to disable.

css list

The css input must be a named list of css properties and values within a named list of class identifiers, for example list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


  outfile = stdout(),
  css = list(
    ".red" = list(color = "red"),
    ".small" = list("font-size" = "90%"),
    ".full-width" = list(
      display = "flex",
      width = "100%",
      flex = "1 1 auto"

Monotone Accent Theme


The default xaringan theme with a single color used for color accents on select elements (headers, bold text, etc.).


  base_color = "#43418A",
  white_color = "#FFFFFF",
  black_color = "#272822",
  text_color = black_color,
  header_color = base_color,
  background_color = white_color,
  link_color = base_color,
  text_bold_color = base_color,
  text_slide_number_color = base_color,
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)",
  code_inline_color = base_color,
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = base_color,
  inverse_text_color = white_color,
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = inverse_text_color,
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = inverse_text_color,
  title_slide_background_color = inverse_background_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = apply_alpha(base_color, 0.6),
  left_column_selected_color = base_color,
  blockquote_left_border_color = apply_alpha(base_color, 0.5),
  table_border_color = "#666",
  table_row_border_color = "#ddd",
  table_row_even_background_color = lighten_color(base_color, 0.8),
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



Monotone Base Color, works best with a strong color. Defaults to #43418A. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Brightest color used. Defaults to #FFFFFF. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--white) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Darkest color used. Defaults to #272822. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--black) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color. Defaults to black_color. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to white_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to rgba(255,255,0,0.5). Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to white_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to inverse_background_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to apply_alpha(base_color, 0.6). Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to apply_alpha(base_color, 0.5). Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #666. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #ddd. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to lighten_color(base_color, 0.8). Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css

See Also

Other themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent(), style_duo_accent_inverse(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light(), style_solarized_dark(), style_solarized_light(), xaringanthemer_font_default()

Other Monotone themes: style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  base_color = "#43418A",
  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)

Monotone Accent Inverse Theme


An "inverted" default xaringan theme with a single color used for color accents on select elements (headers, bold text, etc.).


  base_color = "#3C989E",
  white_color = "#FFFFFF",
  black_color = darken_color(base_color, 0.9),
  text_color = white_color,
  header_color = base_color,
  background_color = black_color,
  link_color = base_color,
  text_bold_color = base_color,
  text_slide_number_color = base_color,
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)",
  code_inline_color = base_color,
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = base_color,
  inverse_text_color = black_color,
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = inverse_text_color,
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = inverse_text_color,
  title_slide_background_color = inverse_background_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = apply_alpha(base_color, 0.6),
  left_column_selected_color = base_color,
  blockquote_left_border_color = apply_alpha(base_color, 0.5),
  table_border_color = "#666",
  table_row_border_color = "#ddd",
  table_row_even_background_color = darken_color(base_color, 0.8),
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



Monotone Base Color, works best with a light color. Defaults to #3C989E. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Brightest color used, default is a very light version of base_color. Defaults to #FFFFFF. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--white) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Darkest color used, default is a very dark, version of base_color. Defaults to darken_color(base_color, 0.9). Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--black) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color. Defaults to white_color. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to black_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to rgba(255,255,0,0.5). Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to black_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to inverse_background_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to apply_alpha(base_color, 0.6). Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to apply_alpha(base_color, 0.5). Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #666. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #ddd. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to darken_color(base_color, 0.8). Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css

See Also

Other themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent(), style_duo_accent_inverse(), style_mono_accent(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light(), style_solarized_dark(), style_solarized_light(), xaringanthemer_font_default()

Other Monotone themes: style_mono_accent(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  base_color = "#3c989e",
  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)

Monotone Dark Theme


A dark monotone theme based around a single color.


  base_color = "#cbf7ed",
  white_color = lighten_color(base_color, 0.8),
  black_color = darken_color(base_color, 0.85),
  text_color = white_color,
  header_color = base_color,
  background_color = black_color,
  link_color = base_color,
  text_bold_color = base_color,
  text_slide_number_color = base_color,
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)",
  code_inline_color = base_color,
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = base_color,
  inverse_text_color = black_color,
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = inverse_text_color,
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = inverse_text_color,
  title_slide_background_color = inverse_background_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = apply_alpha(base_color, 0.6),
  left_column_selected_color = base_color,
  blockquote_left_border_color = apply_alpha(base_color, 0.5),
  table_border_color = "#666",
  table_row_border_color = "#ddd",
  table_row_even_background_color = darken_color(base_color, 0.7),
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



Monotone Base Color, works best with a light color.. Defaults to #cbf7ed. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Brightest color used, default is a very light version of base_color. Defaults to lighten_color(base_color, 0.8). Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--white) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Darkest color used, default is a very dark, version of base_color. Defaults to darken_color(base_color, 0.85). Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--black) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color. Defaults to white_color. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to black_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to rgba(255,255,0,0.5). Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to black_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to inverse_background_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to apply_alpha(base_color, 0.6). Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to apply_alpha(base_color, 0.5). Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #666. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #ddd. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to darken_color(base_color, 0.7). Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css

See Also

Other themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent(), style_duo_accent_inverse(), style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_light(), style_solarized_dark(), style_solarized_light(), xaringanthemer_font_default()

Other Monotone themes: style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_light()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  base_color = "#cbf7ed",
  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)

Monotone Light Theme


A light monotone theme based around a single color.


  base_color = "#23395b",
  white_color = lighten_color(base_color, 0.9),
  black_color = darken_color(base_color, 0.3),
  text_color = black_color,
  header_color = base_color,
  background_color = white_color,
  link_color = base_color,
  text_bold_color = base_color,
  text_slide_number_color = base_color,
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)",
  code_inline_color = base_color,
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = base_color,
  inverse_text_color = white_color,
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = inverse_text_color,
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = inverse_text_color,
  title_slide_background_color = inverse_background_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = apply_alpha(base_color, 0.6),
  left_column_selected_color = base_color,
  blockquote_left_border_color = apply_alpha(base_color, 0.5),
  table_border_color = "#666",
  table_row_border_color = "#ddd",
  table_row_even_background_color = lighten_color(base_color, 0.8),
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



Monotone base color, works best with a strong color. Defaults to #23395b. Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Brightest color used, default is a very light version of base_color. Defaults to lighten_color(base_color, 0.9). Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--white) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Darkest color used, default is a very dark, version of base_color. Defaults to darken_color(base_color, 0.3). Used in multiple CSS rules. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--black) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color. Defaults to black_color. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to white_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to rgba(255,255,0,0.5). Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to white_color. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to inverse_background_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to apply_alpha(base_color, 0.6). Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to base_color. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to apply_alpha(base_color, 0.5). Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #666. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #ddd. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to lighten_color(base_color, 0.8). Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css

See Also

Other themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent(), style_duo_accent_inverse(), style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark(), style_solarized_dark(), style_solarized_light(), xaringanthemer_font_default()

Other Monotone themes: style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  base_color = "#23395b",
  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)

Solarized Dark Theme


A dark theme based around on the solarized color scheme. Works well with "highlightStyle: solarized-dark" or "highlighStyle: solarized-light".


  text_color = "#839496",
  header_color = "#dc322f",
  background_color = "#002b36",
  link_color = "#b58900",
  text_bold_color = "#d33682",
  text_slide_number_color = "#586e75",
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "#268bd240",
  code_inline_color = "#6c71c4",
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = "#fdf6e3",
  inverse_text_color = "#002b36",
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = inverse_text_color,
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = inverse_text_color,
  title_slide_background_color = inverse_background_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = "#586e75",
  left_column_selected_color = "#93a1a1",
  blockquote_left_border_color = "#cb4b16",
  table_border_color = "#657b83",
  table_row_border_color = "#657b83",
  table_row_even_background_color = "#073642",
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



Text Color. Defaults to #839496. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to #dc322f. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to #002b36. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to #b58900. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to #d33682. Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to #586e75. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to #268bd240. Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to #6c71c4. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to #fdf6e3. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to #002b36. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to inverse_background_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to #586e75. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to #93a1a1. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to #cb4b16. Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #657b83. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #657b83. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to #073642. Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css


See Also

Other themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent(), style_duo_accent_inverse(), style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light(), style_solarized_light(), xaringanthemer_font_default()

Other Solarized themes: style_solarized_light()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)

Solarized Light Theme


A light theme based around on the solarized color scheme. Works well with "highlightStyle: solarized-dark" or "highlighStyle: solarized-light".


  text_color = "#657b83",
  header_color = "#dc322f",
  background_color = "#fdf6e3",
  link_color = "#b58900",
  text_bold_color = "#d33682",
  text_slide_number_color = "#93a1a1",
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "#268bd240",
  code_inline_color = "#6c71c4",
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = "#002b36",
  inverse_text_color = "#fdf6e3",
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = inverse_text_color,
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = inverse_text_color,
  title_slide_background_color = inverse_background_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = "#93a1a1",
  left_column_selected_color = "#586e75",
  blockquote_left_border_color = "#cb4b16",
  table_border_color = "#839496",
  table_row_border_color = "#839496",
  table_row_even_background_color = "#eee8d5",
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



Text Color. Defaults to #657b83. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to #dc322f. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to #fdf6e3. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to #b58900. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to #d33682. Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to #93a1a1. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to #268bd240. Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to #6c71c4. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to #002b36. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to #fdf6e3. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to inverse_background_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to #93a1a1. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to #586e75. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to #cb4b16. Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #839496. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #839496. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to #eee8d5. Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css


See Also

Other themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent(), style_duo_accent_inverse(), style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light(), style_solarized_dark(), xaringanthemer_font_default()

Other Solarized themes: style_solarized_dark()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)

A Plot Theme for ggplot2 by xaringanthemer



Creates ggplot2 themes to match the xaringanthemer theme used in the xaringan slides that seamlessly matches the "normal" slide colors and styles. See vignette("ggplot2-themes") for more information and examples.


  text_color = NULL,
  background_color = NULL,
  accent_color = NULL,
  accent_secondary_color = NULL,
  css_file = NULL,
  set_ggplot_defaults = TRUE,
  text_font = NULL,
  text_font_use_google = NULL,
  text_font_size = NULL,
  title_font = NULL,
  title_font_use_google = NULL,
  title_font_size = NULL,
  use_showtext = NULL



Color for text and foreground, inherits from text_color


Color for background, inherits from background_color


Color for titles and accents, inherits from header_color


Color for secondary accents, inherits from text_bold_color


Path to a xaringanthemer CSS file, from which the theme variables and values will be inferred. In general, if you use the xaringathemer defaults, you will not need to set this. This feature lets you create a ggplot2 theme for your xaringan slides, even if you have only saved your theme CSS file and you aren't creating your CSS theme with xaringanthemer in your slides' source file.


Should defaults be set for ggplot2 geoms? Defaults to TRUE. To restore ggplot's defaults, or the previously set geom defaults, see theme_xaringan_restore_defaults().


Font to use for text elements, passed to sysfonts::font_add_google(), if available and text_font_use_google is TRUE. Inherits from text_font_family. If manually specified, can be a google_font().


Is text_font available on Google Fonts?


Base text font size, inherits from text_font_size, or defaults to 11.


Font to use for title elements, passed to sysfonts::font_add_google(), if available and title_font_use_google is TRUE. Inherits from title_font_family. If manually specified, can be a google_font().


Is title_font available on Google Fonts?


Base text font size, inherits from title_font_size, or defaults to 14.


If TRUE the showtext package will be used to register Google fonts. Set to FALSE to disable this feature entirely, which may result in errors during plotting if the fonts used are not available locally. The default is TRUE when the showtext package is installed.


A ggplot2 theme

See Also

Other xaringanthemer ggplot2 themes: theme_xaringan_base(), theme_xaringan_inverse(), theme_xaringan_set_defaults()


# Requires ggplot2
has_ggplot2 <- requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)

if (has_ggplot2) {
  # Because this is an example, we'll save the CSS to a temp file
  path_to_css_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".css")

  # Create the xaringan theme: dark blue background with teal green accents
    primary_color = "#002b36",
    secondary_color = "#31b09e",
    # Using basic fonts for this example, but the plot theme will
    # automatically use your theme font if you use Google fonts
    text_font_family = "sans",
    header_font_family = "serif",
    outfile = path_to_css_file

  ggplot(mpg) +
    aes(cty, hwy) +
    geom_point() +
    ggtitle("Fuel Efficiency of Various Cars") +

The ggplot2 xaringanthemer base plot theme



Provides a base plot theme for ggplot2 to match the xaringan slide theme created by xaringanthemer. The theme is designed to create a general plot style from two colors, a background_color and a text_color (or foreground color). Also accepts an accent_color and an accent_secondary_color that are xaringanthemer is not required for the base theme. Use theme_xaringan() or theme_xaringan_inverse() in xaringan slides styled by xaringanthemer for a plot theme that matches the slide style. See vignette("ggplot2-themes") for more information and examples.


  set_ggplot_defaults = TRUE,
  accent_color = NULL,
  accent_secondary_color = NULL,
  text_font = NULL,
  text_font_use_google = NULL,
  text_font_size = NULL,
  title_font = NULL,
  title_font_use_google = NULL,
  title_font_size = NULL,
  use_showtext = NULL



Color for text and foreground


Color for background




Should defaults be set for ggplot2 geoms? Defaults to TRUE. To restore ggplot's defaults, or the previously set geom defaults, see theme_xaringan_restore_defaults().


Color for titles and accents, inherits from header_color or text_color. Used for the title base setting in ggplot2::theme(), and additionally for setting the color or fill of ggplot2 geom defaults.


Color for secondary accents, inherits from text_bold_color or accent_color. Used only when setting ggplot2 geom defaults.


Font to use for text elements, passed to sysfonts::font_add_google(), if available and text_font_use_google is TRUE. Inherits from text_font_family. If manually specified, can be a google_font().


Is text_font available on Google Fonts?


Base text font size, inherits from text_font_size, or defaults to 11.


Font to use for title elements, passed to sysfonts::font_add_google(), if available and title_font_use_google is TRUE. Inherits from title_font_family. If manually specified, can be a google_font().


Is title_font available on Google Fonts?


Base text font size, inherits from title_font_size, or defaults to 14.


If TRUE the showtext package will be used to register Google fonts. Set to FALSE to disable this feature entirely, which may result in errors during plotting if the fonts used are not available locally. The default is TRUE when the showtext package is installed.


A ggplot2 theme

See Also

Other xaringanthemer ggplot2 themes: theme_xaringan(), theme_xaringan_inverse(), theme_xaringan_set_defaults()


# Requires ggplot2
has_ggplot2 <- requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)

if (has_ggplot2) {

  plot1 <- ggplot(mpg) +
    aes(cty, hwy) +
    geom_point() +
      text_color = "#602f6b",       # imperial
      background_color = "#f8f8f8", # light gray
      accent_color = "#317873",     # myrtle green
      title_font = "sans",
      text_font = "serif",
      set_ggplot_defaults = TRUE
    ) +
      title = "Fuel Efficiency of Various Cars",
      subtitle = "+ theme_xaringan_base()",
      caption = "xaringanthemer"


  plot2 <- ggplot(mpg) +
    aes(hwy) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 2) +
      text_color = "#a8a9c8",       # light purple
      background_color = "#303163", # deep slate purple
      accent_color = "#ffff99",     # canary yellow
      title_font = "sans",
      text_font = "serif",
      set_ggplot_defaults = TRUE
    ) +
      title = "Highway Fuel Efficiency",
      subtitle = "+ theme_xaringan_base()",
      caption = "xaringanthemer"


Get the Value of xaringanthemer Style Setting


A helper function to retrieve the value of style settings as set by a xaringanthemer style function, for use in plotting and other circumstances.


theme_xaringan_get_value(setting, css_file = NULL)



A xaringanthemer style setting


Path to a xaringanthemer CSS file, from which the theme variables and values will be inferred. In general, if you use the xaringathemer defaults, you will not need to set this. This feature lets you create a ggplot2 theme for your xaringan slides, even if you have only saved your theme CSS file and you aren't creating your CSS theme with xaringanthemer in your slides' source file.


The value of the xaringanthemer style parameter.

Style Settings

Style settings used by xaringanthemer include:

  • background_color

  • background_image

  • background_position

  • background_size

  • blockquote_left_border_color

  • code_font_family

  • code_font_family_fallback

  • code_font_google

  • code_font_is_google

  • code_font_size

  • code_font_url

  • code_highlight_color

  • code_inline_background_color

  • code_inline_color

  • code_inline_font_size

  • extra_css

  • extra_fonts

  • footnote_color

  • footnote_font_size

  • footnote_position_bottom

  • header_background_auto

  • header_background_color

  • header_background_content_padding_top

  • header_background_ignore_classes

  • header_background_padding

  • header_background_text_color

  • header_color

  • header_font_family

  • header_font_google

  • header_font_is_google

  • header_font_url

  • header_font_weight

  • header_h1_font_size

  • header_h2_font_size

  • header_h3_font_size

  • inverse_background_color

  • inverse_header_color

  • inverse_text_color

  • inverse_text_shadow

  • left_column_selected_color

  • left_column_subtle_color

  • link_color

  • padding

  • table_border_color

  • table_row_border_color

  • table_row_even_background_color

  • text_bold_color

  • text_color

  • text_font_base

  • text_font_family

  • text_font_family_fallback

  • text_font_google

  • text_font_is_google

  • text_font_size

  • text_font_url

  • text_font_weight

  • text_slide_number_color

  • text_slide_number_font_size

  • title_slide_background_color

  • title_slide_background_image

  • title_slide_background_position

  • title_slide_background_size

  • title_slide_text_color


# Create a xaringanthemer style in a temporary file for this example
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer", fileext = ".css")

style_solarized_light(outfile = xaringan_themer_css)


An Inverse Plot Theme for ggplot2 by xaringanthemer



A ggplot2 xaringanthemer plot theme to seamlessly match the "inverse" xaringan slide colors and styles as styled by xaringanthemer. See vignette("ggplot2-themes") for more information and examples.


  text_color = NULL,
  background_color = NULL,
  accent_color = NULL,
  accent_secondary_color = NULL,
  css_file = NULL,
  set_ggplot_defaults = TRUE,
  text_font = NULL,
  text_font_use_google = NULL,
  text_font_size = NULL,
  title_font = NULL,
  title_font_use_google = NULL,
  title_font_size = NULL,
  use_showtext = NULL



Color for text and foreground, inherits from text_color


Color for background, inherits from background_color


Color for titles and accents, inherits from header_color


Color for secondary accents, inherits from text_bold_color


Path to a xaringanthemer CSS file, from which the theme variables and values will be inferred. In general, if you use the xaringathemer defaults, you will not need to set this. This feature lets you create a ggplot2 theme for your xaringan slides, even if you have only saved your theme CSS file and you aren't creating your CSS theme with xaringanthemer in your slides' source file.


Should defaults be set for ggplot2 geoms? Defaults to TRUE. To restore ggplot's defaults, or the previously set geom defaults, see theme_xaringan_restore_defaults().


Font to use for text elements, passed to sysfonts::font_add_google(), if available and text_font_use_google is TRUE. Inherits from text_font_family. If manually specified, can be a google_font().


Is text_font available on Google Fonts?


Base text font size, inherits from text_font_size, or defaults to 11.


Font to use for title elements, passed to sysfonts::font_add_google(), if available and title_font_use_google is TRUE. Inherits from title_font_family. If manually specified, can be a google_font().


Is title_font available on Google Fonts?


Base text font size, inherits from title_font_size, or defaults to 14.


If TRUE the showtext package will be used to register Google fonts. Set to FALSE to disable this feature entirely, which may result in errors during plotting if the fonts used are not available locally. The default is TRUE when the showtext package is installed.


A ggplot2 theme

See Also

Other xaringanthemer ggplot2 themes: theme_xaringan(), theme_xaringan_base(), theme_xaringan_set_defaults()


# Requires ggplot2
has_ggplot2 <- requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)

if (has_ggplot2) {
  # Because this is an example, we'll save the CSS to a temp file
  path_to_css_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".css")

  # Create the xaringan theme: dark blue background with teal green accents
    primary_color = "#002b36",
    secondary_color = "#31b09e",
    # Using basic fonts for this example, but the plot theme will
    # automatically use your theme font if you use Google fonts
    text_font_family = "sans",
    header_font_family = "serif",
    outfile = path_to_css_file

  ggplot(mpg) +
    aes(cty, hwy) +
    geom_point() +
    ggtitle("Fuel Efficiency of Various Cars") +
    # themed to match the inverse slides: teal background with dark blue text

Set and Restore ggplot2 geom Defaults



Set ggplot2 geom defaults to match theme_xaringan() with theme_xaringan_set_defaults() and restore the standard or previously-set defaults with theme_xaringan_restore_defaults(). By default, theme_xaringan_set_defaults() is run with theme_xaringan() or theme_xaringan_inverse().


  text_color = NULL,
  background_color = NULL,
  accent_color = text_color,
  accent_secondary_color = accent_color,
  text_font = NULL




Color for text and foreground, inherits from text_color


Color for background, inherits from background_color


Color for titles and accents, inherits from header_color


Color for secondary accents, inherits from text_bold_color


Font to use for text elements, passed to sysfonts::font_add_google(), if available and text_font_use_google is TRUE. Inherits from text_font_family. Must be a length-one character.


Invisibly returns a list of the current ggplot2 geom defaults

Invisibly returns a list of the current ggplot2 geom defaults


  • theme_xaringan_restore_defaults(): Restore previous or standard ggplot2 geom defaults.

See Also

Other xaringanthemer ggplot2 themes: theme_xaringan(), theme_xaringan_base(), theme_xaringan_inverse()

Write A Customized Xaringan Theme


Creates a customized Xaringan theme CSS file.



  text_color = "#000",
  header_color = "#000",
  background_color = "#FFF",
  link_color = "rgb(249, 38, 114)",
  text_bold_color = NULL,
  text_slide_number_color = inverse_background_color,
  padding = "16px 64px 16px 64px",
  background_image = NULL,
  background_size = NULL,
  background_position = NULL,
  code_highlight_color = "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)",
  code_inline_color = "#000",
  code_inline_background_color = NULL,
  code_inline_font_size = "1em",
  inverse_background_color = "#272822",
  inverse_text_color = "#d6d6d6",
  inverse_text_shadow = FALSE,
  inverse_header_color = "#f3f3f3",
  inverse_link_color = link_color,
  title_slide_text_color = inverse_text_color,
  title_slide_background_color = inverse_background_color,
  title_slide_background_image = NULL,
  title_slide_background_size = NULL,
  title_slide_background_position = NULL,
  footnote_color = NULL,
  footnote_font_size = "0.9em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "60px",
  left_column_subtle_color = "#777",
  left_column_selected_color = "#000",
  blockquote_left_border_color = "lightgray",
  table_border_color = "#666",
  table_row_border_color = "#ddd",
  table_row_even_background_color = "#eee",
  base_font_size = "20px",
  text_font_size = "1rem",
  header_h1_font_size = "2.75rem",
  header_h2_font_size = "2.25rem",
  header_h3_font_size = "1.75rem",
  header_background_auto = FALSE,
  header_background_color = header_color,
  header_background_text_color = background_color,
  header_background_padding = NULL,
  header_background_content_padding_top = "7rem",
  header_background_ignore_classes = c("normal", "inverse", "title", "middle", "bottom"),
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.9rem",
  text_font_google = NULL,
  text_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"),
  text_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"),
  text_bold_font_weight = "bold",
  text_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"),
  text_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"),
  text_font_base = "sans-serif",
  header_font_google = NULL,
  header_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"),
  header_font_weight = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"),
  header_font_family_fallback = "Georgia, serif",
  header_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"),
  code_font_google = NULL,
  code_font_family = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"),
  code_font_size = "0.9rem",
  code_font_url = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"),
  code_font_family_fallback = xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"),
  link_decoration = "none",
  colors = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  extra_fonts = NULL,
  outfile = "xaringan-themer.css"



A font argument from the xaringanthemer style_ function family.


Text Color. Defaults to #000. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text_color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Color. Defaults to #000. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Background Color. Defaults to #FFF. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Link Color. Defaults to rgb(249, 38, 114). Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Bold Text Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the strong element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-bold-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Number Color. Defaults to inverse_background_color. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class.


Slide Padding in ⁠top right [bottom left]⁠ format. Defaults to 16px 64px 16px 64px. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Background image applied to each and every slide. Set title_slide_background_image = "none" to remove the background image from the title slide. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Background image size, requires background_image to be set. If background_image is set, background_size will default to cover so the background fills the screen. If both background_image and background_position are set, will default to 100 percent. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Background image position, requires background_image to be set, and it is recommended to adjust background_size. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Code Line Highlight. Defaults to rgba(255,255,0,0.5). Modifies the .remark-code-line-highlighted class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-highlight-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inline Code Color. Defaults to #000. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Background Color. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class.


Inline Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 1em. Modifies the .remark-inline-code class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-inline-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Background Color. Defaults to #272822. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Text Color. Defaults to #d6d6d6. Modifies the .inverse class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Enables Shadow on text of inverse slides. Defaults to FALSE. Modifies the .inverse class.


Inverse Header Color. Defaults to #f3f3f3. Modifies the ⁠.inverse h1, .inverse h2, .inverse h3⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-header-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Inverse Link Color. Defaults to link_color. Modifies the ⁠.inverse a, .inverse a > code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--inverse-link-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Text Color. Defaults to inverse_text_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Color. Defaults to inverse_background_color. Modifies the .title-slide class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--title-slide-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Title Slide Background Image URL. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class.


Title Slide Background Image Size, defaults to "cover" if background image is set. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-size property values.


Title Slide Background Image Position. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .title-slide class. Accepts CSS background-position property values.


Footnote text color (if NA, then it will be the same color as text_color). Defaults to NULL. Modifies the .footnote class.


Footnote font size. Defaults to 0.9em. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Footnote location from bottom of screen. Defaults to 60px. Modifies the .footnote class. Accepts CSS position property values.


Left Column Text (not last). Defaults to #777. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2, .left-column h3⁠ classes.


Left Column Current Selection. Defaults to #000. Modifies the ⁠.left-column h2:last-of-type, .left-column h3:last-child⁠ classes.


Blockquote Left Border Color. Defaults to lightgray. Modifies the blockquote element.


Table top/bottom border. Defaults to #666. Modifies the ⁠table: border-top, border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table row inner bottom border. Defaults to #ddd. Modifies the ⁠table thead th: border-bottom⁠ elements.


Table Even Row Background Color. Defaults to #eee. Modifies the ⁠thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even)⁠ elements.


Base Font Size for All Slide Elements (must be px). Defaults to 20px. Modifies the html element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--base-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Slide Body Text Font Size. Defaults to 1rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h1 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h1-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h2 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 2.25rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h2⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h2-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


h3 Header Text Font Size. Defaults to 1.75rem. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h3⁠ class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-h3-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Add background under slide title automatically for h1 header elements. If not enabled, use class: header_background to enable. Defaults to FALSE.


Background Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to header_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Text Color for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to background_color. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-background-text-color) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Padding for h1 Header with Background. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the ⁠.remark-slide-content h1⁠ class. Accepts CSS padding property values.


Top Padding for Content in Slide with Header with Background. Defaults to 7rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Classes Where Header with Background will not be Applied. Defaults to c('normal', 'inverse', 'title', 'middle', 'bottom'). Modifies the .remark-slide-content class.


Slide Number Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-slide-number class. Accepts CSS font-size property values.


Use google_font() to specify body font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Body Text Font Family (xaringan default is 'Droid Serif'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_weight"). Modifies the body element. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Body Bold Text Font Weight. Defaults to bold. Modifies the strong element.


Body Text Font URL(s). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url()⁠ elements.


Body Text Font Fallbacks. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("text_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Body Text Base Font (Total Failure Fallback). Defaults to sans-serif. Modifies the body element. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--text-font-base) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Use google_font() to specify header font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Header Font Family (xaringan default is 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'). Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font Weight. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_weight"). Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. Accepts CSS font-weight property values.


Header Font Family Fallback. Defaults to Georgia, serif. Modifies the ⁠h1, h2, h3⁠ elements. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--header-font-family-fallback) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Header Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("header_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Use google_font() to specify code font. Defaults to NULL. Modifies the body element.


Code Font Family. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-family) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Text Font Size. Defaults to 0.9rem. Modifies the .remark-inline class. Accepts CSS font-size property values. The value of this variable is also stored as a CSS variable that can be referenced with var(--code-font-size) in any argument of a style function or in custom CSS.


Code Font URL. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_url"). Modifies the ⁠@import url⁠ elements.


Code Font Fallback. Defaults to xaringanthemer_font_default("code_font_family_fallback"). Modifies the ⁠.remark-code, .remark-inline-code⁠ classes.


Text decoration of links. Defaults to none. Modifies the ⁠a, a > code⁠ elements. Accepts CSS text-decoration property values.


A named vector of custom colors. The names of the colors become CSS variables and classes that can be used within your slides. For example, colors = c(blue = "#bad4ed") adds a CSS variable --blue, a .blue CSS class that applies the color to the text or foreground color, and a .bg-blue CSS class that applies the color to the background.


A named list of CSS definitions each containing a named list of CSS property-value pairs, i.e. list(".class-id" = list("css-property" = "value")).


A list of additional fonts to import, each list element can be either a URL as a character string or a call to google_font(). To use a font imported in extra_fonts, you will need to write custom CSS rules that apply the font to an element or class with the font-family property. See the Fonts section of vignette("xaringanthemer") for an example.


Customized xaringan CSS output file name, default is "xaringan-themer.css"


The CSS styles are written to the file path provided in outfile (by default to xaringan-themer.css). If outfile is NULL, the CSS is returned directly as a character string.


  • xaringanthemer_font_default(): Default values for font family, weight, URLs and font fallbacks.


To use the styles created by this theme function, make sure that you use xaringan-themer.css as your CSS file in your slides' YAML header. If you change the name of the output file using the outfile argument, use that name instead of the default file name.

  css: xaringan-themer.css

See Also

Other themes: style_duo(), style_duo_accent(), style_duo_accent_inverse(), style_mono_accent(), style_mono_accent_inverse(), style_mono_dark(), style_mono_light(), style_solarized_dark(), style_solarized_light()


# Create a xaringan style in a temporary file
xaringan_themer_css <- tempfile("xaringan-themer-", fileext = ".css")

  text_color = "#002b3",
  inverse_background_color = "#31b09e",
  inverse_text_color = "#002b3",
  outfile = xaringan_themer_css # omit in your slides to write the
                                # styles to xaringan-themer.css

# View the CSS:
# file.edit(xaringan_themer_css)