This vignette is heavily inspired by Tristan Mahr’s post Lists are my secret weapon for reporting stats with knitr. Please read his original for an excellent introduction on how to better organize your data for inline reporting scenarios with lists. I’m going to borrow several examples directly from that post.
Both Tristan and Yihui Xie call inline reporting the act of
interleaving R expressions in the prose of markdown text. When you click
the Knit button or call
to build your report,
evaluates these R expressions, turns them into text
and plugs them into your output.
The most common use case is for reporting descriptive statistics. To
illustrate, I’ll use the Orange
dataset which contains circumference measurements of 5 orange trees
at 7 points in time.
Here is some R code we might use to summarize the Orange
And here are some lines we might include in a report about the growth of these trees:
```{r setup, include = FALSE}
The dataset contains {nrow(Orange)} tree size measurements
from {n_trees} trees at {n_timepoints} time points in the study.
The dataset contains 35 tree size measurements from 5 trees at 7 timepoints in the study.
With normal R Markdown inline
reporting we would have written this in our .Rmd
The dataset contains `r nrow(Orange)` tree size measurements
from `r n_trees` trees at `r n_timepoints` time points in the study.
The two forms are very similar, but the epoxy
approach provides a few advantages, as we’ll discover in this
In the above example, we used normal variables that were available in the global environment of our document. But a small structural change can bring great benefits. It’s worth reading Tristan’s blog post, but to steal his thunder: store your data in lists.
We could, on the one hand, create variables named
, knitted_where
that all store facts about the knitting
process. The knitted_
prefix is helpful as an aid to
remember that these variables are related.
But you could store those three variables in a single object instead.
Bundling everything into a list()
allows you to report the
results by accessing the list elements by name with $
knitted <- list(
when = format(Sys.Date()),
where = knitr::current_input(),
with = format(utils::packageVersion("knitr")),
doc_url = ""
Report prepared on {knitted$when} from `{knitted$where}`
with knitr version {knitted$with} {emo_ji('happy')}.
Read more about [`knitr::knit()`]({knitted$doc_url}).
Report prepared on 2025-02-11 from inline-reporting.Rmd
with knitr version 1.49 😆. Read more about knitr::knit()
This is still essentially equivalent to R Markdown’s inline R chunks.
But epoxy
chunks include a .data
argument, which allows us to reference items in the knitted
list directly without having to use $
```{epoxy knitted-2, .data = knitted}
Report prepared on {when} from `{where}`
with knitr version {with} {emo_ji('happy')}.
Read more about [`knitr::knit()`]({doc_url}).
Report prepared on 2025-02-11 from inline-reporting.Rmd
with knitr version 1.49 😆. Read more about knitr::knit()
Note that we can still have arbitrary R code in epoxy inline
expressions: the emo_ji()
function — a vignette-safe
version of emo::ji()
— exists in my global environment.
Suppose we have some model results that we’ve prepared into a table (for details, see Tristan’s blog post). These results summarize a linear mixed model estimating population averages for trees grown in several ozone conditions. I’ve copied the resulting data frame into this vignette to avoid taking extra dependencies for this vignette.
text_ready <-
term = c("intercept", "hund_days", "ozone", "hund_days_ozone"),
estimate = c("4.25", "0.34", "−0.14", "−0.04"),
se = c(0.131, 0.013, 0.158, 0.015),
ci = c("[4.00, 4.51]", "[0.31, 0.36]", "[−0.45, 0.17]","[−0.07, −0.01]"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
We can use split()
to make a list of data frames that we
can index by the values in the term
We now have a list of one-row dataframes:
#> List of 4
#> $ hund_days :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
#> ..$ term : chr "hund_days"
#> ..$ estimate: chr "0.34"
#> ..$ se : num 0.013
#> ..$ ci : chr "[0.31, 0.36]"
#> $ hund_days_ozone:'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
#> ..$ term : chr "hund_days_ozone"
#> ..$ estimate: chr "−0.04"
#> ..$ se : num 0.015
#> ..$ ci : chr "[−0.07, −0.01]"
#> $ intercept :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
#> ..$ term : chr "intercept"
#> ..$ estimate: chr "4.25"
#> ..$ se : num 0.131
#> ..$ ci : chr "[4.00, 4.51]"
#> $ ozone :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
#> ..$ term : chr "ozone"
#> ..$ estimate: chr "−0.14"
#> ..$ se : num 0.158
#> ..$ ci : chr "[−0.45, 0.17]"
Now we can write up our results with inline reporting:
The average log-size in the control condition was
{stats$intercept$estimate} units,
95% Wald CI {stats$intercept$ci}.
There was not a statistically clear difference between the
ozone conditions for their intercepts (day-0 values),
*B* = {stats$ozone$estimate}, {stats$ozone$ci}.
For the control group, the average growth rate was
{stats$hund_days$estimate} log-size units per 100 days,
{stats$hund_days$ci}. The growth rate for
the ozone treatment group was significantly slower,
*diff* = {stats$hund_days_ozone$estimate},
The average log-size in the control condition was 4.25 units, 95% Wald CI [4.00, 4.51]. There was not a statistically clear difference between the ozone conditions for their intercepts (day-0 values), B = −0.14, [−0.45, 0.17]. For the control group, the average growth rate was 0.34 log-size units per 100 days, [0.31, 0.36]. The growth rate for the ozone treatment group was significantly slower, diff = −0.04, [−0.07, −0.01].
What’s extra neat about epoxy — and not readily apparent if you’re
reading this vignette — is that RStudio’s autocomplete feature kicks in
when you type stats$
inside a braced expression
{ }
Actually, because the IDE doesn’t know about the epoxy
knitr engine, the autocomplete tries to help out on every word. It’s
typically easy to ignore the suggestions for words that are part of the
prose, and it’s usually outweighed by the usefulness of being able to
autocomplete the names in your data structures.
Note that you don’t need to write your entire document or even
paragraph inside an epoxy
chunk; you can wrap only the
data-heavy parts as needed.
There was not a statistically clear difference between the
ozone conditions for their intercepts (day-0 values),
*B* = {stats$ozone$estimate}, {stats$ozone$ci}.
The growth rate for the ozone treatment group was significantly slower,
*diff* = {stats$hund_days_ozone$estimate}, {stats$hund_days_ozone$ci}.
There was not a statistically clear difference between the ozone conditions for their intercepts (day-0 values), B = −0.14, [−0.45, 0.17]. The growth rate for the ozone treatment group was significantly slower, diff = −0.04, [−0.07, −0.01].
Occasionally you may need to re-use the same phrase or document structure but for different slices of your data.
Suppose we summarize the orange tree growth (normally I would use a
combination of dplyr::group_by()
summarize_tree_growth <- function(tree) {
tree <- Orange[Orange$Tree == tree, ]
tree <- data.frame(
tree = tree$Tree[1],
age_range = diff(range(tree$age)),
circumference_first = tree$circumference[1],
circumference_last = tree$circumference[nrow(tree)]
tree$growth_rate <- with(tree, (circumference_last - circumference_first) / age_range)
orange_summary <- lapply(1:5, summarize_tree_growth)
orange_summary <-, orange_summary)
#> tree age_range circumference_first circumference_last growth_rate
#> 1 1 1464 30 145 0.07855191
#> 2 2 1464 33 203 0.11612022
#> 3 3 1464 30 140 0.07513661
#> 4 4 1464 32 214 0.12431694
#> 5 5 1464 30 177 0.10040984
chunks, like glue::glue()
, are
vectorized, so if we find ourselves needing to repeat the same thing
over and over again, we can use this feature to our advantage.
A quick recap of the growth observed in the orange trees:
```{epoxy .data = orange_summary}
- Tree number {tree} started out at {circumference_first}mm and,
over {age_range} days, grew to be {circumference_last}mm.
A quick recap of the growth observed in the orange trees:
By using knitr’s
reference labels feature, and the epoxy
chunk option we saw above, you can create an epoxy
template that you can re-use like a parameterized chunk.
You start by creating a labelled epoxy
chunk with
eval = FALSE
that you can later use in your prose by referencing the chunk with
and providing a different slice of data via the
chunk option.
The fourth tree was the largest tree at the end of the study, growing
```{epoxy ref.label="average-growth", .data = summarize_tree_growth(4)}
Meanwhile, the smallest tree was the third, which grew at
```{epoxy ref.label="average-growth", .data = summarize_tree_growth(3)}
The fourth tree was the largest tree at the end of the study, growing an average of 0.87mm per week. Meanwhile, the smallest tree was the third, which grew at an average of 0.53mm per week.